PAS 2500 Series Wafer Steppers by ASML


Key PAS 2500 Contributors Main Reasons Why
Richard George PAS 2500 project manager 1984 to shipping in 1986
Martin van den Brink Alignment & reticle handling project leader, PAS 2500 Project Manager 1986 to 1989
Wim Hendriksen Managed SW development and introduced System Engineering specification language, borrowed from Philips Medical
Frans Klaassen Project leader of the wafer stage
Gjalt Smit ASML’s first president – who drove an empowered entrepreneurial culture into the ASML workers and was the driving force behind ASML’s Marketing Product Management. Gjalt re-aligned some key PAS 2500/10 specs more closely to customer needs than the too-entrepreneurial engineers intended, including changing the /10’s wavelength from i-line (which in ’86 was more than the market could take) to g-line.


Industry code: 1434.365

©1986 ASM Lithography Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Displayed with the implied permission of the Copyright Owner

Mfr’s Code: ASML